cd ~/software/ wget tar zxf RECON-1.08.tar.gz cd RECON-1.08/src/ make && make install rm ~/software/RECON-1.08.tar.gz
RepeatScout - De Novo Repeat Finder
1 2 3 4 5 6
cd ~/software/ wget tar zxf RepeatScout-1.0.6.tar.gz cd RepeatScout-1.0.6/ make rm ~/software/RepeatScout-1.0.6.tar.gz
LtrHarvest - The LtrHarvest program is part of the GenomeTools suite
1 2 3 4
cd ~/software/ wget tar zxf gt-1.6.2-Linux_x86_64-64bit-complete.tar.gz rm ~/software/gt-1.6.2-Linux_x86_64-64bit-complete.tar.gz
CD-HIT - A sequence clustering package
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
cd ~/software/ wget tar zxf cd-hit-v4.8.1-2019-0228.tar.gz cd cd-hit-v4.8.1-2019-0228/ make cd cd-hit-auxtools/ make rm ~/software/cd-hit-v4.8.1-2019-0228.tar.gz
Ltr_retriever - A LTR discovery post-processing and filtering tool
1 2 3 4
cd ~/software/ wget tar zxf v2.9.0.tar.gz rm ~/software/v2.9.0.tar.gz
BLAST+= /home/chenwen/software/ncbi-blast-2.12.0+/bin # a path that contains makeblastdb, blastn, blastx RepeatMasker= /home/chenwen/software/RepeatMasker # a path that contains RepeatMasker HMMER= /home/chenwen/software/hmmer-3.2.1/bin # a path that contains hmmsearch CDHIT= /home/chenwen/software/cd-hit-v4.8.1-2019-0228 # a path that contains cd-hit-est (preferred). CDHIT and BLAST are replaceable
MAFFT - A multiple sequence alignment program.
1 2 3
cd ~/software/ wget tar zxf mafft-7.487-with-extensions-src.tgz
cd ~/software/mafft-7.487-with-extensions/core/ make clean make make install rm -rf ~/software/mafft-7.487-with-extensions*
Ninja - A tool for large-scale neighbor-joining phylogeny inference and clustering
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
cd ~/software/ wget tar zxf 0.95-cluster_only.tar.gz cd NINJA-0.95-cluster_only/NINJA/ make all cp Ninja ~/software/ rm -rf ~/software/NINJA-0.95-cluster_only rm ~/software/0.95-cluster_only.tar.gz
cd ~/software/ wget tar zxf RepeatModeler-2.0.2a.tar.gz rm ~/software/RepeatModeler-2.0.2a.tar.gz cd RepeatModeler-2.0.2a/ perl ./configure
RepeatModeler的搜索引擎已经只支持RMBlast了,如果使用-engine abblast,RepeatModeler会报出警告WARNING: "-engine abblast" is deprecated, this verison of RepeatModeler uses rmblast only.,然后继续使用RMBlast。