Welcome to Zebrafish LncRNA Database ZFLNC
There is emerging evidence that lncRNAs can be involved in various critical biological processes. Zebrafish is a full-developed model system being used in a variety of basic research and biomedical studies. Hence, it is a good idea to study the role of lncRNA using zebrafish as a model. Here, we constructed ZFLNC -- a comprehensive database of zebrafish lncRNA that is dedicated to offer a zebrafish-based platform for deeply exploring lncRNA function and mechanism, to the relevant academic community. The main data resources of lncRNAs in this database come from NCBI, Ensembl, NONCODE, zflncRNApedia and literature. We also obtained lncRNAs as a supplement by analyzing RNA-Seq datasets from SRA database. We carried out the expression profile, GO annotation, KEGG pathway annotation, conservative analysis and OMIM annotation for those zebrafish lncRNAs. In the current version ZFLNC contain 13,604 lncRNA genes and 21,128 lncRNA transcripts.

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26 August 2018
The expression information of lncRNA genes in tissues or embryo and the predicted RNA secondary structure for lncRNA transcripts was added.
20 June 2017
The advanced search was added to ZFLNC.
7 March 2017
Modify the appearance of the website.
7 October 2016
The first version of ZFLNC was publicly released.
9 September 2016
ZFLNC database website on line.
ZFLNC: a comprehensive and well annotated database for zebrafish lncRNA. Database 2018; 2018:bay114 https://doi.org/10.1093/database/bay114