Conserved lncRNA

We used three methods (that are direct BLASTN, collinearity with conserved coding gene, and overlap with multi-species ultra-conserved non-coding elements (UCNE)) to find the counterparts of zebrafish lncRNAs in human or mouse. In direct comparison of zebrafish lncRNA and human/mouse lncRNA with BLASTN, bidirectional best hits using a relatively non-stringent threshold (E-value<=10-5) were considered as orthologs. In collinearity method, we compared the coding genes of zebrafish with those of human or mouse using BLASTP as anchor points. We assumed that those lncRNAs with more than 5 anchor points in the 20k upstream/downstream region are orthologs. In UCNE method, if two lncRNAs from different species overlap with at least one UCNE, as another anchor point, they were considered as orthologs. Finally, we obtained 2,156 zebrafish lncRNA genes that have the counterpart in human or mouse.

Zebrafish lncRNA Transcript Zebrafish lncRNA Gene Human lncRNA Transcript Mouse lncRNA Transcript
ZFLNCT11375 ZFLNCG07426 ENST00000365328; NR_001445; NONHSAT113149; ENSMUST00000083103; NR_030687; NONMMUT070124;
ZFLNCT10797 ZFLNCG07063 ENSMUST00000130673; NR_104047;
ZFLNCT13376 ZFLNCG08678 NONMMUT108963;
ZFLNCT18018 ZFLNCG11615 ENST00000503360; NONHSAT102282;
ZFLNCT00080 ZFLNCG00053 ENST00000581816; NR_027350; NONHSAT034667; ENSMUST00000134140; NR_029382; NONMMUT093693;
ZFLNCT20026 ZFLNCG12914 NONHSAT030840;
ZFLNCT07335 ZFLNCG04745 ENST00000587765;
ZFLNCT05199 ZFLNCG03400 ENST00000414251;
ZFLNCT08482 ZFLNCG05486 ENST00000473537; ENSMUST00000117842; NONMMUT086884;
ZFLNCT12506 ZFLNCG08146 NR_002584; NR_002900;
ZFLNCT08364 ZFLNCG05419 NONMMUT137491;
ZFLNCT18330 ZFLNCG11819 ENSMUST00000202682;
ZFLNCT15159 ZFLNCG09843 NONMMUT126990;
ZFLNCT08182 ZFLNCG05285 ENST00000493219; NONMMUT036799;
ZFLNCT07562 ZFLNCG04893 NONHSAT149935;
ZFLNCT14088 ZFLNCG09159 NONHSAT209371;
ZFLNCT00547 ZFLNCG00386 ENST00000511083; NONHSAT098683;
ZFLNCT12956 ZFLNCG08421 ENST00000424058; NONHSAT034246; NONMMUT011389;
ZFLNCT06979 ZFLNCG04534 ENST00000524155;
ZFLNCT07682 ZFLNCG04967 ENST00000567484; NONHSAT048324;
ZFLNCT12380 ZFLNCG08084 ENST00000413279; NONHSAT182702; ENSMUST00000119397;
ZFLNCT08358 ZFLNCG05414 ENST00000414579;
ZFLNCT12505 ZFLNCG08146 ENST00000424573; NONHSAT092235; ENSMUST00000142604; NR_029474; NONMMUT025136;
ZFLNCT03819 ZFLNCG02430 ENSMUST00000122274;
ZFLNCT11621 ZFLNCG07602 ENST00000483197; NONHSAT091251;