Conserved lncRNA

We used three methods (that are direct BLASTN, collinearity with conserved coding gene, and overlap with multi-species ultra-conserved non-coding elements (UCNE)) to find the counterparts of zebrafish lncRNAs in human or mouse. In direct comparison of zebrafish lncRNA and human/mouse lncRNA with BLASTN, bidirectional best hits using a relatively non-stringent threshold (E-value<=10-5) were considered as orthologs. In collinearity method, we compared the coding genes of zebrafish with those of human or mouse using BLASTP as anchor points. We assumed that those lncRNAs with more than 5 anchor points in the 20k upstream/downstream region are orthologs. In UCNE method, if two lncRNAs from different species overlap with at least one UCNE, as another anchor point, they were considered as orthologs. Finally, we obtained 2,156 zebrafish lncRNA genes that have the counterpart in human or mouse.

Zebrafish lncRNA Transcript Zebrafish lncRNA Gene Human lncRNA Transcript Mouse lncRNA Transcript
ZFLNCT14793 ZFLNCG09598 ENST00000426911; NONHSAT138748;
ZFLNCT05876 ZFLNCG03816 NONMMUT099909;
ZFLNCT07658 ZFLNCG04947 ENST00000427153; NR_026690; NONHSAT212237;
ZFLNCT07026 ZFLNCG04566 NONHSAT018520; NONMMUT039052;
ZFLNCT02534 ZFLNCG01723 NONHSAT175928;
ZFLNCT13084 ZFLNCG08506 ENST00000565489; NONHSAT142271; NR_073015; NONMMUT060156;
ZFLNCT08197 ZFLNCG05292 NONMMUT119997;
ZFLNCT09564 ZFLNCG06220 ENST00000599229;
ZFLNCT07363 ZFLNCG04769 ENST00000406551; ENSMUST00000120905; XR_382518; NONMMUT071892;
ZFLNCT12795 ZFLNCG08314 NONMMUT017897;
ZFLNCT11534 ZFLNCG07538 NONMMUT042633;
ZFLNCT07330 ZFLNCG04741 ENST00000602042; NONHSAT173462;
ZFLNCT19236 ZFLNCG12436 ENST00000442749; NR_046554; NONHSAT195343;
ZFLNCT01165 ZFLNCG00794 ENST00000432923;
ZFLNCT20237 ZFLNCG13039 ENST00000419267; NONHSAT001190; ENSMUST00000182298; NONMMUT088800;
ZFLNCT19463 ZFLNCG12606 ENST00000430567; NONHSAT189710; NONMMUT110086;
ZFLNCT17149 ZFLNCG11098 XR_881881; NONMMUT117628;
ZFLNCT10975 ZFLNCG07199 ENSMUST00000117720;
ZFLNCT08066 ZFLNCG05214 NONMMUT036001;
ZFLNCT07158 ZFLNCG04648 ENST00000449226;
ZFLNCT15979 ZFLNCG10309 NONHSAT216582; ENSMUST00000193796; NONMMUT076250;
ZFLNCT16043 ZFLNCG10357 ENST00000420566; NONHSAT176192; ENSMUST00000121423;
ZFLNCT10326 ZFLNCG06757 ENST00000462623; ENSMUST00000121351;
ZFLNCT03228 ZFLNCG02167 NONHSAT089797;
ZFLNCT07957 ZFLNCG05126 NONHSAT152484;