Conserved lncRNA

We used three methods (that are direct BLASTN, collinearity with conserved coding gene, and overlap with multi-species ultra-conserved non-coding elements (UCNE)) to find the counterparts of zebrafish lncRNAs in human or mouse. In direct comparison of zebrafish lncRNA and human/mouse lncRNA with BLASTN, bidirectional best hits using a relatively non-stringent threshold (E-value<=10-5) were considered as orthologs. In collinearity method, we compared the coding genes of zebrafish with those of human or mouse using BLASTP as anchor points. We assumed that those lncRNAs with more than 5 anchor points in the 20k upstream/downstream region are orthologs. In UCNE method, if two lncRNAs from different species overlap with at least one UCNE, as another anchor point, they were considered as orthologs. Finally, we obtained 2,156 zebrafish lncRNA genes that have the counterpart in human or mouse.

Zebrafish lncRNA Transcript Zebrafish lncRNA Gene Human lncRNA Transcript Mouse lncRNA Transcript
ZFLNCT11106 ZFLNCG07268 ENST00000625445; NONHSAT131038; XR_879216;
ZFLNCT14822 ZFLNCG09624 ENST00000430315; ENSMUST00000203602; NR_028592;
ZFLNCT08617 ZFLNCG05579 NONHSAT203225; ENSMUST00000156462; NONMMUT011384;
ZFLNCT12557 ZFLNCG08181 XR_872637;
ZFLNCT07793 ZFLNCG05024 XR_870696;
ZFLNCT11356 ZFLNCG07410 XR_388620;
ZFLNCT11134 ZFLNCG07291 NONMMUT028182;
ZFLNCT06567 ZFLNCG04268 NONHSAT208543;
ZFLNCT07347 ZFLNCG04757 NONHSAT097901;
ZFLNCT20694 ZFLNCG13322 NONMMUT064213;
ZFLNCT10314 ZFLNCG06749 NONMMUT132555;
ZFLNCT10042 ZFLNCG06556 XR_871566; NONMMUT079966;
ZFLNCT13225 ZFLNCG08578 NONMMUT019491;
ZFLNCT20166 ZFLNCG13009 NONMMUT098674;
ZFLNCT08485 ZFLNCG05488 NONHSAT082151; ENSMUST00000181328;
ZFLNCT13912 ZFLNCG09041 ENSMUST00000203367;
ZFLNCT04663 ZFLNCG03040 ENST00000448722;
ZFLNCT07250 ZFLNCG04692 XR_391271;
ZFLNCT12495 ZFLNCG08138 ENST00000435239; NR_028443; NONHSAT087008; ENSMUST00000191412; NONMMUT136843;
ZFLNCT02817 ZFLNCG01930 NONMMUT010093;
ZFLNCT03861 ZFLNCG02458 XR_001783595;
ZFLNCT03588 ZFLNCG02320 NONMMUT010260;
ZFLNCT03102 ZFLNCG02110 NONMMUT047084;
ZFLNCT13975 ZFLNCG09088 ENST00000524963; NONHSAT219903; ENSMUST00000196461; NONMMUT018817;
ZFLNCT14809 ZFLNCG09612 ENST00000428512; XR_001753962; NONHSAT179822; ENSMUST00000121087; NONMMUT071825;