Conserved lncRNA

We used three methods (that are direct BLASTN, collinearity with conserved coding gene, and overlap with multi-species ultra-conserved non-coding elements (UCNE)) to find the counterparts of zebrafish lncRNAs in human or mouse. In direct comparison of zebrafish lncRNA and human/mouse lncRNA with BLASTN, bidirectional best hits using a relatively non-stringent threshold (E-value<=10-5) were considered as orthologs. In collinearity method, we compared the coding genes of zebrafish with those of human or mouse using BLASTP as anchor points. We assumed that those lncRNAs with more than 5 anchor points in the 20k upstream/downstream region are orthologs. In UCNE method, if two lncRNAs from different species overlap with at least one UCNE, as another anchor point, they were considered as orthologs. Finally, we obtained 2,156 zebrafish lncRNA genes that have the counterpart in human or mouse.

Zebrafish lncRNA Transcript Zebrafish lncRNA Gene Human lncRNA Transcript Mouse lncRNA Transcript
ZFLNCT13999 ZFLNCG09102 ENST00000500626; ENSMUST00000135913;
ZFLNCT08903 ZFLNCG05767 ENST00000430922; ENSMUST00000199292;
ZFLNCT09869 ZFLNCG06445 NONMMUT011329;
ZFLNCT13616 ZFLNCG08826 ENST00000586049; ENSMUST00000120813; NONMMUT048785;
ZFLNCT07308 ZFLNCG04724 NONHSAT136428;
ZFLNCT08137 ZFLNCG05252 NONMMUT036971;
ZFLNCT11002 ZFLNCG07215 NONMMUT031372;
ZFLNCT15424 ZFLNCG10016 ENST00000553568; NONMMUT102108;
ZFLNCT20700 ZFLNCG13327 NONHSAT021203; NONMMUT038479;
ZFLNCT13259 ZFLNCG08606 NONHSAT211677;
ZFLNCT01753 ZFLNCG01210 NONMMUT018615;
ZFLNCT02391 ZFLNCG01634 ENSMUST00000118257; NONMMUT035904;
ZFLNCT20169 ZFLNCG13012 NONHSAT032619;
ZFLNCT20875 ZFLNCG13433 ENST00000622896; NONHSAT173121; ENSMUST00000109467; NONMMUT019959;
ZFLNCT05228 ZFLNCG03415 ENSMUST00000122149; NONMMUT074169;
ZFLNCT20164 ZFLNCG13008 ENST00000559695; NONHSAT183565; ENSMUST00000075147; NONMMUT001508;
ZFLNCT12742 ZFLNCG08275 NONHSAT203424;
ZFLNCT00351 ZFLNCG00239 ENST00000413187;
ZFLNCT21070 ZFLNCG13568 NONHSAT171607;
ZFLNCT15136 ZFLNCG09831 NONHSAT168629;
ZFLNCT05575 ZFLNCG03630 ENST00000394563;
ZFLNCT00023 ZFLNCG00019 ENST00000420490; NONHSAT138793;
ZFLNCT02773 ZFLNCG01895 NONHSAT176486;
ZFLNCT04065 ZFLNCG02610 NONMMUT042657;
ZFLNCT19223 ZFLNCG12425 ENST00000519669; NONHSAT002854; ENSMUST00000191976; NONMMUT025095;