Conserved lncRNA

We used three methods (that are direct BLASTN, collinearity with conserved coding gene, and overlap with multi-species ultra-conserved non-coding elements (UCNE)) to find the counterparts of zebrafish lncRNAs in human or mouse. In direct comparison of zebrafish lncRNA and human/mouse lncRNA with BLASTN, bidirectional best hits using a relatively non-stringent threshold (E-value<=10-5) were considered as orthologs. In collinearity method, we compared the coding genes of zebrafish with those of human or mouse using BLASTP as anchor points. We assumed that those lncRNAs with more than 5 anchor points in the 20k upstream/downstream region are orthologs. In UCNE method, if two lncRNAs from different species overlap with at least one UCNE, as another anchor point, they were considered as orthologs. Finally, we obtained 2,156 zebrafish lncRNA genes that have the counterpart in human or mouse.

Zebrafish lncRNA Transcript Zebrafish lncRNA Gene Human lncRNA Transcript Mouse lncRNA Transcript
ZFLNCT07931 ZFLNCG05108 NR_024091; NR_024093;
ZFLNCT19523 ZFLNCG12641 NONHSAT151097;
ZFLNCT08017 ZFLNCG05173 ENSMUST00000188281;
ZFLNCT19363 ZFLNCG12533 ENST00000469533; NONHSAT223657;
ZFLNCT00694 ZFLNCG00479 NONHSAT185042;
ZFLNCT16998 ZFLNCG10987 ENST00000607675; NONHSAT209070;
ZFLNCT09656 ZFLNCG06278 ENST00000418542; ENSMUST00000119858;
ZFLNCT11545 ZFLNCG07548 ENST00000525487;
ZFLNCT21040 ZFLNCG13542 NONHSAT152306; ENSMUST00000152570; NR_136934; NONMMUT134624;
ZFLNCT11642 ZFLNCG07617 NONHSAT156031;
ZFLNCT08344 ZFLNCG05404 NR_045643;
ZFLNCT07999 ZFLNCG05159 ENST00000521863; ENSMUST00000180610; NR_040709; NONMMUT021288;
ZFLNCT17728 ZFLNCG11438 NONHSAT134846;
ZFLNCT21110 ZFLNCG13590 NONMMUT125431;
ZFLNCT16038 ZFLNCG10354 ENST00000432258;
ZFLNCT12428 ZFLNCG08113 ENST00000429006; NONHSAT096687;
ZFLNCT09233 ZFLNCG05990 NONMMUT100740;
ZFLNCT20194 ZFLNCG13027 NONHSAT149974;
ZFLNCT00496 ZFLNCG00349 NONHSAT034282;
ZFLNCT09651 ZFLNCG06276 NONHSAT215541;
ZFLNCT13646 ZFLNCG08844 NONHSAT176200;
ZFLNCT00744 ZFLNCG00516 ENSMUST00000125611; NONMMUT042382;
ZFLNCT07389 ZFLNCG04794 NONMMUT021754;
ZFLNCT08036 ZFLNCG05190 ENST00000514947; NONHSAT195760;
ZFLNCT09035 ZFLNCG05856 NONMMUT000602;